What is Mozart Effect?

1 minute read

What is the Mozart effect?

The exposure of babies to classical music by Mozart’s compositions was shown to be a beneficial effect on mental development; The US trademark for a number of commercial records and related material claiming that the effect is motivated for various purposes claims that beyond space-time reasoning improvement or intelligence enhancement there is merit beyond being marked as a comprehensive term symbolizing the transformative power of music in health, education and well-being.

The term was introduced by Alfred A. Tomatis. The governor of the United States Georgia, Zell Miller, offered a budget with a classical music CD for every child born in Georgia.

Rauscher, Shaw and Ky (1993) investigated the effect of Mozart listening to the music on spatial reasoning, and the results were published. It was said that the spatial reasoning measured by the spatial reasoning sub-tasks of the Stanford-Binet IQ test was a temporary improvement. Rauscher and colleagues said that the empowering effect of the music condition is only temporary: the effect that any student tested was not beyond the 15-minute staff.

Campbell; recommends the use of general music to reduce stress, depression and anxiety, to relax or to awaken sleep, and also to strengthen this memory. Innovative and experimental use of music and voice, listening disorders, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, autism, etc. healing.

Here you can listen to Mozart:

