Recycling of one aluminum can saves 95% of the energy required to make new one. Also, one ton of recycled aluminum saves 40 barrels of oil

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Recycling of one aluminum can saves 95% of the energy required to make new one. Also, one ton of recycled aluminum saves 40 barrels of oil.

Source: Stanford University

Here are the benefits of recycling Why it is important? - Our environment is a big difference for our quality of life and the future of our country.

Recycling - An Important Part of the Solution

By reusing aluminum, paper, glass, plastic and other materials, we can save on production and energy costs, and reduce the environmental impact of extraction and processing of intact materials.

What is the greatest economic benefit of recycling?

In a broad sense, recycling is part of resource efficiency - using products with the highest potential is one of the greatest benefits. When a recycled material is used instead of raw material to produce a new product, natural resources and energy are preserved. This is because recycled materials were once refined and processed; second time production is cleaner than the first and less energy intensive. For example, production with recycled aluminum cans uses 95 percent less energy than producing the same amount of aluminum as the box.

Recycling collection investments support a strong and diverse recycling manufacturing industry that brings jobs and high wages to states and regions. The collection of recyclable materials is the most critical link in a chain of economic activity.

What are the environmental benefits of recycling?

Saves energy, reduces air and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gases and protects natural resources.

Everyone knows that recycling recycles less garbage, but the greatest environmental benefit of recycling is the protection of energy and natural resources and the prevention of pollution when a raw material is used to produce a new product.


Recycling can save energy. But how?

When you look at things to create a product from scratch - to obtain, move, process and produce raw materials - producing products with recycled materials such as paper, plastic, glass and metal is a great energy saving.

One ton of soda cans made of recycled aluminum saves 21,000 kilowatt hours by reducing untouched bauxite ore that would have to be mined, shipped, and refined. This is an energy saving of 95%.

A ton of PET plastic containers made from recycled plastic saves approximately 7,200 kilowatt hours.

How much energy is saved by recycling?

The amount of lost energy resulting from discarding recyclable goods such as aluminum cans and newspapers is equivalent to the annual output of 15 power plants. Energy saving applies to all recycling sectors:

Aluminum. Recycling of aluminum cans preserves 95% of the energy required to make the same amount of aluminum from its intact source. One ton of recycled aluminum saves 14,000 kilowatt hours (Kwh) of energy, 40 barrels of oil, 130. 152,32 million BTU of energy and 10 cubic meters of storage space.

Newsprint. One ton of recycled newsprint saves 601 Kwh of energy, 1.7 barrels of oil (71 gallons), 10.2 million BTU of energy, 60 lbs of air pollution, 7 thousand gallons of water and 4.6 cubic meters of storage space.

Office paper One ton of recycled office paper saves 4,100 Kwh of energy, 9 barrels of oil, 54 million BTU of energy, 60 lbs of air pollution, 7,000 gallons of water and 3.3 cubic meters of storage space.

Plastic. One tonnes of recycled plastic saves 5,774 Kwh energy, 16.3 barrels of oil, 98 million BTU of energy and 30 cubic meters of storage space.

Steel. One tonnes of recycled steel saves 642 Kwh of energy, 1,8 barrels of oil, 10.9 million BTU of energy and 4 cubic meters of storage space.

Glass. One tonnes of recycled glass saves 42 Kwh energy, 0.12 barrels of oil (5 gallons), 714,000 BTU of energy and 2 cubic meters of storage space. More than 30% of the raw material used in the glass production now comes from recycled glass.

Reducing the amount of paper you use does not only cost itself but also takes concrete steps to reduce climate change. Much more than other waste management options such as composting, recycling and storage, resource reduction helps to reverse the clock in climate change.

Ok. So what?

What can the average citizen do to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? In addition to reducing emissions from fossil fuels with energy and transport efficiency, we can also help minimize climate impacts through resource reduction, reuse and recycling. This saves energy that directly converts to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. We must all take responsibility for protecting the Earth and its atmosphere.

