Moon and World

2 minute read

The Moon collects the Earth orbit every 27,322 days. It takes about 27 days to turn once on the axis of the moon.

The face of the world, which is constantly faced, is known as the side. The reverse or “back” side is on the far side. When the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, in the New Moon period, the back of the Moon is washed in daylight.

However, the orbit and rotation do not match perfectly. The Moon, an elliptical orbit around the Earth, walks in a slightly stretched circle.

If you travel to the far side of the moon, as the Apollo 8 astronauts once did, you will see a very different surface than you are accustomed to watching. While the near side of the moon is softened by Maria - the large dark plains created by solidified lava flows and mild moon springs, the far side is heavily dispersed.

NASA and other space agencies brought him together with his satellites, even if the moon could not see the back of Earth.

Just as gravity of the moon affects the ocean tides of the Earth, gravity from the Earth also affects the moon. But since the moon is not an ocean, the Earth pulls its own crust, creating a tidal bulge on the line that goes towards Earth.


Gravity from the earth is trying to align it by pulling the nearest tidal bump. This creates a tide friction that slows the rotation of the moon. Over time, the rotation slowed as slowly as it locked, when the orbit and rotation of the forest coincided and the same face was locked into the Earth forever.

The Moon is not the only satellite that is subject to friction with its own planet. Many other large moons in the solar system are regularly locked with their wives. Among the bigger months, Saturn’s Moon Hyperion, which only stumbles irregularly and interacts with other months, is not tidally synchronized.

The lunar rotation determined that the disgraceful man on the Moon, a figure that resembled the face of the dark dark Maria on the side facing the Earth, was moving towards our planet. Gravity created an outpost on the bright Earth side, slowing rotation in the past in order to slow down the rotation over time and keep the longer moon axis towards my world.

Recent research suggests that the moon has determined how quickly the Moon’s rotation towards the Earth slowed down. As the moon slowly slows down, it is a double-sanction that the Man in the Moon faces the Earth far beyond the space-boundary view.

